Thursday, February 3, 2011

I remembered !

Obviously if you read my last post then you know by the title what I'm talking about! :P I remembered what I was going to blog about!

There are a few really cool sites I read like almost EVERYDAY! You should definitely check them out! Here they are:

#1 fave;

I absolutely LOVE sixbillionsecrets ! Some are really sad, and depressing, but this may sounds silly, but I like to pray of those! (:


This one is so cute! I have to admit, some of the stories have actually made me cry! Heck, so has some of the secrets on six billion secrets! :P Check it out! love gives me hope !

#3; This is the last one I will put up, so it;s just my top 3 faves, but there are others I really like, just mainly these 3!

OMG Facts is super interesting! There are some pretty crazy things on there sometimes though! :P

Welp, that's it for this blog post! (:
You know what I really want right now? . . . . I want

THIS >>>
Mmmm, Cafe Vanilla Frappuccino from Starbucks. I love Starbucks. If I could go there everyday, I definitely would.

Well, I felt like blogging, and I had things to blog about on my mind. . . but then I forgot what they were. So, I might just sit here and ramble.

I'm kinda stressed because I missed school yesterday because I wasn't feeling good, and then I missed it today. Now I am going to have a lot of make-up work. :( 2 days worth. Technically 3, because the homework I will end up having tomorrow, which I have to go to school tomorrow. I'm also really worried that my pot in ceramics will be too dry and I will have to start over. I hope and pray it isn't!

Good news, My mom is coming up to visit my brother and I today. I haven't seen her in. . awhile.

I promise I had something interesting to blog about, I just forgot, and now it's really bugging me that I can't remember. Oh well, I guess it wasn't THAT interesting right? Maybe I will remember later. . . I hope so.

This is a random little fact, but I always spell interesting wrong. It's really annoying, I'm glad my computer catches it for me. I spell it like, 'intresting' , I think I kinda pronounce it like that?. . .

Since I have nothing interesting (spelled it right that time, allll by myself, :P) left to tell you about, I'm going to go work on my Art project, oh and that's stressing me out too right now. :/ Ugh. I'm just going to keep telling myself to give my stress to God, He will take care of me. Kinda hard to do sometimes though. And, if you don't do it, you should try. I can honestly say, it's worth it.
kay... bye. (:

ta ta for now, (:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm really excitedddd, because these next few fridays, I actually have PLANS! (: Which means I have a life of course!

This Friday, I'm going to a TEA PARTY  (with my BFF Marisol, :)! I know that may sound super cheesy, and not like me (it actually is, I love tea, and parties:P) , but our church has one every year with a special guest! The guest this year is Sarah Bowling. There are always tons of tables set up, all unique/fun, and all look so precious! Next year I actually plan on setting one up, It seems like a lot of fun! Here are some really cute tea party tables I found on Google, they are really fun to look at! (Leave me a comment, or message me on FB for more info on the Daughters of Destiny Tea Party! only $12 as ticket! Btw, it's only for girls, sorry ;)

I know this one is really simple, but I love the touches of pink! I love pink, :P

This is so pretty, I love all the colors. Especially for little girls!

I love this one! <3

I really like purple, and there is a lot here! (:


I'M A CAMEL! . . . sorry. I had to add that in there. :P My little sis, well kinda, was singing some thing and at the end it said that. It was funny too.

WELL, brb I have to go eat dinner, pausing here.
mm, yum. :P

I know this is so off subject, but seriously, why do people have to constantly have drama surrounding them? I mean, you can survive PERFECTLY without it. I honestly never have drama (if I do it's rare.) , and when I do, I go to the person and talk about it. People are very immature in high school, when they NEED to grow up. If there is a problem, go to the source and figure out what's going on, then end it. Get over yourself and get on with life. Jussayin'

Back on topic, Then next Friday, the 11th, I am going with some friends to seeee. . . .

Yeah, BE JEALOUS! I lovelovelovelovelove Justin Bieber, don't hate ;) I've been waiting to see this, FOREVER, okay, not forever, but you know! haha.

phew, finally finished with this blog, I literally started around like 7:30, but I kept getting side tracked! :P

ta ta for now! (:

What I'm Lovin' Wednesday!

Some blogs I follow do this thing called 'What I'm Lovin' Wednesday' , I decided to take part and do it every Wednesday too!

I'm lovin'. . .
I absolutely LOVE this show. It always touches my heart, the great things people do for others and expect nothing back! Almost every time I watch it, I cry. Nbd, (:

I'm lovin' CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP and GRILLED CHEESE! Mmm, always perfect when you don't feel that great. I honestly think it really DOES make you feel better!

I'm also lovin' the light flurries we have been having all day! Although I WISH they would stick, it's still SO BEAUTIFUL outside! <3

I would really love for it to look like THIS^^ outside right now, I LOVE SNOW! <3 (:

I could add a lot more things I'm lovin' , but I have to go to the dishes before my dad gets home! :/ and, these are the basics for today!

ta ta for now, (:

p.s I will try to blog some more later!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Yeah, as you mayyyy have noticed my whole devotional idea, EPIC FAIL. I just can't blog everyday with school, and friends, and family, and church, and bible study is about to start up again. I really wish I blogged more. I blog that much though because I never have any ideas, or I'm to busy, or lazy :P

SO. I had a SUPER FUN Friday night. While everyone was at the game and then the dance (probably not having much fun because I always think the dances will be fun but then they always end up LAME, no offense), I spent my night attttt. . . .

Th bands that played were: Mercyme, Jars of Clay, The Afters, Anthem Lights, Thousand Foot Krutch (Probably my favorite besides Mercyme), and Matt Maher, (He isn't a 'band' obviously)

I know I shouldn't have been looking at cute guys at a christian concert where I'm supposed to be focusing on God, but boy where they everywhere. Plus, it's not like I was looking the ENTIRE time. Def not what went on. And, I already like one guy anyways. :P SHHHHH. (:

Well, it feels like my brain sorta died. hahaa I more than likely will blog more tonight, after get my book report done for Mr. Brake. How fun.

Yeah, I'm back to add more. Not done with that stupid book report either. I really hope God will be on my side and give us ice or snow tonight. PUHLEASE. :D

Back to talking about the Roadshow , My nanny (a.k.a Anna) went with Me, one of my bffs Heather, and Anna also brought her sister. I was dreading going with them at first, I felt lame. But, It wasn't even a big deal. You know me. Well, maybe not, but that's besides the point. So, Anthem Lights was on stage, with there super gorgeous selves, and then they jumped off and were running around everythwere. Which was wonderful because we had seats real close to the stage. Annd was sitting on the end, and she seen then HOTTEST member of the band walking down the aisle thingy so she grabbed Heather and he was coming towards her. She looked freaked out at first. It was hilarious. And he sung to her for like 2secs then he gave her a high-five. SHE FREAKED OUT. (ohmygosh, I just you used the word freaked twice with in a short period. whatever.) She was like "I AM NEVER WASHING THIS HAND AGAINNN!!" I just laughed. :P Then later this other cute guy gave me and her a high five, and tons of other people, and she was like "OMG! HE JUST HIGH FIVED THE HAND THE OTHER GUY HIGH FIVED. GREAT." And yet again, I laughed. I just love her so much. Even with all of he stupid bf drama.(:

After the concert, which more happened there I'm just to lazy to type it, I went home and crashed. I. Love. Sleep. Then alllll day saturday, pretty much all day. I slept. How lame am I? That usually doesn't happen, but it did. and it felt good. Then saturday evening some crap happened between me and my dad, which I won't talk about unless someone actually cares to ask. We got over our issues and we then made a fire in the backyad and roasted marshmellows and hot dogs, that was nice. I love, I guess you'd call it a bonfire, although it was small. :P I also love night. (:

So, I think I might have typed to much in this post, but whatever. I A LOT more to blog about, buuuut not a lot of time. I still have to take a shower, and relax.

Ta ta for now. (:

I will probably blog again soon, or I hope so. (:

Maybe I will have better news next time ;)