Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I can't think of a name!
HEY YOU. Yeah YOU. Listen UP! . . . Wow, I am dumb.! (: Jk, I have no purpose for doing that, I just wanted to.
P.S I am willing to take donations! LMBO. :P Jk, kinda.
P.S.S I am addicted to blogging already, I see it sorta like a diary. Which I always attempt to keep, but never succeed. I would rather blog, of course I can't put everything on this.
So , I think I'm bipolar. OMG. I was in an amazing mood for like the past couple days, now I am uuber stressed. ( I love that word [uuber] ) Okay, as you know, I got my very first car yesterday, and I LOVE IT. But I am so stressed about it. You are asking why? WELL , because Angela and Imad don't want to let me bring it home until almost all of it is paid off. UGH. and it stinks a lot. So, I asked my dad for a loan that I WILL pay him back, and he said no. I'm screwed. Now, I have to be patient and save up money to pay it off, I wish I had rich parents that could by me a car and I wouldn't have to worry about this. I know I will be able to pay it off, I'm just hoping it will be before my birthday, (September 14th) It it's not . . . I will be crushed. I just have to get home and work my butt off MORE, which I hate because my whole summer already has been me working. I hate the fast food business, okay maybe not hate but sure close to it. You get all sweaty and gross, and then the grease clogs your pores, and I am breaking out from it! It is AWFUL. And people are annoying, but not all. AND it's almost 99% of the time busy. ( I think I am exaggerating. ) xD It's basically not something I would settle with and do my entire life. NO WAY JOSE.
My brain is mush right now, and is on overdrive. I promise. I can't even think straight. Everything is everywhere. Stupid brain, why can't you cooperate!?! P.S I am willing to take donations! LMBO. :P Jk, kinda.
P.S.S I am addicted to blogging already, I see it sorta like a diary. Which I always attempt to keep, but never succeed. I would rather blog, of course I can't put everything on this.
Monday, July 12, 2010
OKAY. So I have been exceptionally happy lately! I have a few reasons why I think I am, 1) I am going home Friday! Wooo! 2) I have amazing friends who help me out through tough things, and 3) I JUST GOT MY FIRST CAR! Yeah, now I def think it's all 3! This week, has been all out great. (: Thank you LORD!
Yeah, as you know, because I just said it, I got my very first car today, err, yesterday, w.e (MONDAY) I am superrrr stoked. I love it! I didn't think God would bless me this tremendously! BUT, he did xD It is a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo! So, I reallyyyyy wanted a Jeep at the beginning of this year, and then Angela said that I probably wouldn't end up getting one because they are so expensive.! I was sad. haha. Then today, BAM. I found on. It is not necessarily the type I absolutely wanted, but hey, it's still a JEEP. I am totally digging it. :P ( I just sounded so 70's ) I couldn't believe it was in my price range! It is in amazing condition and everything works although I do have to get a new battery and belt, but that's easy, and is happening Tuesday! Then I'm going to clean it and take morrre pictures to post! (:
MY BABY!! ^^^ xD
yeah, sadly I have to go to bed now I have stupid work tomorrow! Blah. (: Goodnight! Love you guys, all of the . . . zero people who read this! :P
Yeah, as you know, because I just said it, I got my very first car today, err, yesterday, w.e (MONDAY) I am superrrr stoked. I love it! I didn't think God would bless me this tremendously! BUT, he did xD It is a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo! So, I reallyyyyy wanted a Jeep at the beginning of this year, and then Angela said that I probably wouldn't end up getting one because they are so expensive.! I was sad. haha. Then today, BAM. I found on. It is not necessarily the type I absolutely wanted, but hey, it's still a JEEP. I am totally digging it. :P ( I just sounded so 70's ) I couldn't believe it was in my price range! It is in amazing condition and everything works although I do have to get a new battery and belt, but that's easy, and is happening Tuesday! Then I'm going to clean it and take morrre pictures to post! (:

yeah, sadly I have to go to bed now I have stupid work tomorrow! Blah. (: Goodnight! Love you guys, all of the . . . zero people who read this! :P

Sunday, July 11, 2010
I thought of something to blog about! Yay. (:
So, I have been in Kansas allll summer and I really miss my family and friends. SO MUCH. But I'm getting a car for being out here so long. .that's another story which when I get my car I will tell, and post pictures! Anyways, (gosh I change the subject quick) I am heading back home this Friday the 16th.! I am so stoked. I am visiting my mom for about 5 or 6 days, and then back to my dads. (where I live) My mom is really excited for me to visit, I usually don't see her much. I am also very excited. But the main point of this post is that there is A LOT of change for me right now. My dad, he found out he has a son. Yeah, that is big itself but . . he is coming to live with us! :O I was terrified and scared when I first found out. . I feel like my dad will just push me further down his list of priorities. . I always feel left out? nah, that's not the word, ummm, like I am pushed to the back burner. Like my dad doesn't care about me as much as her cares about, nick (my brother) or even Rose, which is sad, (Our nanny's daughter) I guess you could say I feel less important. . so when I found out that (Vince) is moving in with us. . I was so shocked. I just started to cry. My home already feels less like home. How is it going to feel now? Then I started to think, with some help from an amazing friend. .she showed me that God obviously has a good reason for this. Vince has been through a lot in his life and my dad is gonna be there for him, and be a light into his life. . and so will I. It really gave me a change of heart though when my dad told me that Vince already considers Nick and I his brother and sister, also I have always wanted an older brother. . he is 24. Now he can beat people up for me. haha jk (: So, this is a huge change already, but I'm getting through it. . . I'm sure the peculiarness will subside after awhile. . . it is already starting.!
That was only half of my big changes!
The 2nd one . . .
My mom is engaged. Okay, I should be really happy for her. . . . or whatever, BUT she has only known the guy for 2months. . if that. WEIRD. I have met him though, and he is really kind and treats her good. . . but don't they all in the beginning? I guess so. I just pray for my mom a lot. She believes in God, but she is not necessarily going down the right path. . . . I mean, she is living with the guy, BTW his name is Matt. Also, in a sense, I am really happy for her. . .because she is so happy. I makes me feel good, I don't have to worry as much anymore about her, and she actually has a life now, she has friends, and goes out, and LIVES a little! I just hope she really gets connected with God, and HE can fully fulfill her. I am actually also speaking to myself.
So! There is all the change. . . there is probably more, but those are the big ones! They may not seem so 'big' or 'important' to you. . . . but they DEFINITELY are to me! (:
haha, yay. My very first 'official' blog post is finished! (: I feel so accomplished, and proud! xD
So, I have been in Kansas allll summer and I really miss my family and friends. SO MUCH. But I'm getting a car for being out here so long. .that's another story which when I get my car I will tell, and post pictures! Anyways, (gosh I change the subject quick) I am heading back home this Friday the 16th.! I am so stoked. I am visiting my mom for about 5 or 6 days, and then back to my dads. (where I live) My mom is really excited for me to visit, I usually don't see her much. I am also very excited. But the main point of this post is that there is A LOT of change for me right now. My dad, he found out he has a son. Yeah, that is big itself but . . he is coming to live with us! :O I was terrified and scared when I first found out. . I feel like my dad will just push me further down his list of priorities. . I always feel left out? nah, that's not the word, ummm, like I am pushed to the back burner. Like my dad doesn't care about me as much as her cares about, nick (my brother) or even Rose, which is sad, (Our nanny's daughter) I guess you could say I feel less important. . so when I found out that (Vince) is moving in with us. . I was so shocked. I just started to cry. My home already feels less like home. How is it going to feel now? Then I started to think, with some help from an amazing friend. .she showed me that God obviously has a good reason for this. Vince has been through a lot in his life and my dad is gonna be there for him, and be a light into his life. . and so will I. It really gave me a change of heart though when my dad told me that Vince already considers Nick and I his brother and sister, also I have always wanted an older brother. . he is 24. Now he can beat people up for me. haha jk (: So, this is a huge change already, but I'm getting through it. . . I'm sure the peculiarness will subside after awhile. . . it is already starting.!
That was only half of my big changes!
The 2nd one . . .
My mom is engaged. Okay, I should be really happy for her. . . . or whatever, BUT she has only known the guy for 2months. . if that. WEIRD. I have met him though, and he is really kind and treats her good. . . but don't they all in the beginning? I guess so. I just pray for my mom a lot. She believes in God, but she is not necessarily going down the right path. . . . I mean, she is living with the guy, BTW his name is Matt. Also, in a sense, I am really happy for her. . .because she is so happy. I makes me feel good, I don't have to worry as much anymore about her, and she actually has a life now, she has friends, and goes out, and LIVES a little! I just hope she really gets connected with God, and HE can fully fulfill her. I am actually also speaking to myself.
So! There is all the change. . . there is probably more, but those are the big ones! They may not seem so 'big' or 'important' to you. . . . but they DEFINITELY are to me! (:
haha, yay. My very first 'official' blog post is finished! (: I feel so accomplished, and proud! xD
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